Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I used to do band photography

These are some fun cartoony photos I drew of people jamming, enjoy! ( BLOGGER STINKS, I absolutely cannot rotate them to be landscape, so tilt your heads)

Alex and I rockin' out:
My pals Canyon Carvers making sweet tunes:

I'm Back

I used to be very fond of drawing my characters mostly male. Facial hair and sharp jaw lines just seemed so interesting. Curiously though, once I became involved in a relationship I began to be more interested in drawing females. Now droopy eyelashes, curbed stomachs and rosie cheeks are suit my fancy.

This first one is a piece I am 100% turning into a large scale painting. I have been putting off purchasing canvas until I begin work at my new job, in an art supply store (wahooooooooooo!) so I can use that good ol' employee discount on canvas.

"Oh I'm Doing Fine"
This lovely lady was made from a cheap bottle of pale pink, and pale blue paint. As well as ink and face paint crayons. This plump beauty was very fun to draw, especially her hair which I would love to have.

This really isn't a "piece" but I thought i'd put it up here just-cuz. I quickly doodled it while sitting under a Christmas tree.

I can't wait to actually get back into making tons of beautiful pictures. It's been too long i've been in this rut.