Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I met this man at the Wayzgoose Printmaking, Book Binding, Paper Making festival.

He ruled.

Under The Dinner Table

This was a mixed media (pen and ink, acrylic, wire, modeling paste) piece I did for a final art exam. I was given the theme "Betrayal and Chaos" and the words "They had been warned". If you look at this closely it is supposed to have a strong reference to a historical piece of art. Do you know which one!?
This piece was entered into a school board art show ... the entry card says it was done by a grade 9. I certainly hope no grade 9 makes art as twisted as this.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

People who die in the desert ...

I have decided to begin experimenting more with painting. Pen and Ink is fine and dandy but I think it's time for me to re-introduce colour back into my life. So this is the first of my new experiments, hopefully there shall be lots more to come!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey, I'm Drowning!

I joined art club. I drew a seahorse.

Then I tried to figure out how seahorses have such awesome lips.